Karin Kirchberg
Attorney at Law, Mediator (DAA)
E-Mail: karin.kirchberg[at]seibertlink.de
Personal Information: Married, 2 Children
Foreign Languages: English, French
Study / Apprenticeship:
- Study of Law, University of Erlangen, Lausanne (CH) and Freiburg/Brsg.
- Abschluss Fachanwaltskurs Miet- und WEG-Recht 2011
- Mediatorin (DAA)
Professional Experience:
- Researcher at the Max-Planck-Institut, Freiburg/Brsg.
- Attorney at Law in Heilbronn
- Manager in the Law department with a national Real Estate company in Stuttgart
- Attorney at Law with SeibertLink
Additional Activities / Membership:
- Lecturer at the Berufsakademie Stuttgart
- Lectuer at the Akademie der Immobilienwirtschaft (ADI) GmbH Stuttgart